Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Window-Shopping the World

I've just spent a little time hitting the "next blog" button at the top of the page.  I find the variety of blogs very interesting.  It's a little like walking through a library, or bookstore, not ever knowing what you'll find.  It's fascinating to see what consumes people.  It's almost comical to see how alike, and how different, we all are.  I wonder, what would be said of me by a quick peek at this blog.  Hmmm....will anybody actually ever see it anyway :)  My Lord sees me.  What does He think of me?  Am I becoming what He intended?  Do other people dare to ponder this question?  Maybe I should ponder for a living...I'm good at that!  All those blogs remind me of how complex Creation is.  So many possibilities, so many variables, so many options in our DNA.  And yet, how perfect.  I wonder if we'll get to try out some of the other possibilities in Heaven, as there is not nearly enough time in a lifetime to do and be everything.  OK...that being said, I better get back to the laundry!!!

1 comment:

  1. Now you're beginning to see why I've enjoyed blogging so much. There are a lot of really nice people out on the Internet. The trick is definitely in finding them. Don't be afraid to Follow a blog you like, so you can find them again easily. You can always UNFollow them, if you change your mind.

    And yes, God does see your blog, and I think He enjoys it, too.
